Java Regular Expression
Java Regex or Regular Expression is an API to define Pattern for searching or manipulating Strings, In simple word we can say that Regular expression is a representation of a group of String object according to a particular Pattern.
Java provides the java.util.regex package for pattern matching with regular expressions.
java.util.regex package consists of following three classes :
Pattern Class
Public static Pattern compile(String)
Matcher Class
Important Methods of Matcher class
Pattern Syntax Exception
A pattern checked Exception is an Unchecked Exception that indicates a syntax error in Regular Expression.
Character Classes
Java provides the java.util.regex package for pattern matching with regular expressions.
java.util.regex package consists of following three classes :
Pattern Class
- In Pattern class Pattern object is a compiled version of a regular expression.
- It contains a compile() method which is used to create a Pattern.
- Pattern class provides no Public constructors.
Public static Pattern compile(String)
Matcher Class
- Matcher object match the given pattern in the target String
- Matcher object is created by matcher() method of Pattern Class
Important Methods of Matcher class
S. No. | Method | Description |
1 | boolean find() | Returns boolean value after match |
2 | int start() | Returns the start index of the previous match. |
3 | int end() | Returns the offset after the last character matched. |
A pattern checked Exception is an Unchecked Exception that indicates a syntax error in Regular Expression.
Character Classes
Classes | Description |
[abc] | Either a or b or c |
[^abc] | Except a,b and c |
[a-z] | Any Lower case Alphabet Symbol |
[A-Z] | Any Upper case Alphabet Symbol |
[a-zA-Z] | Any Alphabet Symbol |
[0-9] | Any Digit from 0 to 9 |
[a-zA-Z0-9] | Any Alphabet Symbol |
[^a-zA-Z0-9] | Except Alpha Numeric Symbols |
import java.util.regex.*;
public class RegexDemo {
public static void main(String a[]) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("x");
Matcher m = p.matcher("ba9j@z# 9");
while (m.find()) {
System.out.println(m.start() + "...................." +;
Now, we will provide value of x which is our above character classes and after this we will obtain following outputs
x | Out Put |
[abc] | 0....................b |
1....................a | |
[^abc] | 2....................9 |
3....................j | |
4....................@ | |
5....................z | |
6....................# | |
7.................... | |
8....................9 | |
[a-z] | 0....................b |
1....................a | |
3....................j | |
5....................z | |
[A-Z] | |
[a-zA-Z] | 0....................b |
1....................a | |
3....................j | |
5....................z | |
[0-9] | 2....................9 |
8....................9 | |
[a-zA-Z0-9] | 0....................b |
1....................a | |
2....................9 | |
3....................j | |
5....................z | |
8....................9 | |
[^a-zA-Z0-9] | 4....................@ |
6....................# | |
7.................... |
Pre-Defined Character Classes
Classes | Description |
\s | Space Character |
\S | Any Character Except Space |
\d | Any Digit from [0-9] |
\D | Any Character Except Digit |
\w | Any word charatcer |
\W | Except word Character |
. | Any Character |
Clear Concept with Example
import java.util.regex.*;
public class RegexDemo2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("x");
Matcher m = p.matcher("l3c J@8");
while (m.find()) {
System.out.println(m.start() + "...................." +;
Here, value of x is continuously changing and w.r.t we obtained different values which is shown below in tabular form.
x | Out Put |
\\s | 3.................... |
\\S | 0....................l |
1....................3 | |
2....................c | |
4....................J | |
5....................@ | |
6....................8 | |
\\d | 1....................3 |
6....................8 | |
\\D | 0....................l |
2....................c | |
3.................... | |
4....................J | |
5....................@ | |
\\w | 0....................l |
1....................3 | |
2....................c | |
4....................J | |
6....................8 | |
\\W | 3.................... |
5....................@ | |
. | 0....................l |
1....................3 | |
2....................c | |
3.................... | |
4....................J | |
5....................@ | |
6....................8 |
Quantifiers are used to perform number of occurrence of a specific pattern.
Classes | Description |
a | Exactly one a |
a+ | At least one a |
a* | Any number of a including Zero also |
a? | At least one a |
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